CPF was working with some Middle School students and the local CILS French radio about 18 months ago.
You can find the x 4 Teen French programmes, Ca Roule shows on this dropbox link
These 4 shows were developed by CPF/Bayside for the local radio show CILS 107.9 FM
The teachers shared these with their students during Reading Time and others listened at home. The goal was to encourage FI students to listen to more French. We hope you enjoy them and perhap it might motivate you to produce your own show with your students or children.
Facebook : Canadian Parents for French - Saanich CPF BC & Yukon CPF National Saanich School District List of Babysitters and Tutors - Are you looking for a tutor or babysitter who knows French? Support one of these French Immersion students! 2014 Reports on French Immersion and Core French in British Columbia and Yukon: Summary of Findings
Other Resource Links: - TumbleBooks - Want to read French books at home but not confident in your French language skills? Have you heard of TumbleBooks? Using TumbleBooks, you and your child can listen to and read French stories while following along with the images. Just select "Language Learning" to choose a book to watch and listen to!
- Looking for a French/English dictionary? Try Collins French Dictionary.
- Translator - Not sure how to say a word found in your French book? Try this site when doing your home reading program. Although not perfect, a number of district teachers have tried some odd words to see how they were pronounced and it did a pretty good job!
- Why Bilingual Education Should Be Mandatory - an interesting read.
- French Films - 35+ films in French for children.
- French Immersion Handbook for Parents - Produced by the Durham District School Board in Ontario, this document contains many helpful suggestions for music resources, dictionaries, references for grammar/verb conjugation, and international exchange opportunities.
- Another French Immersion Handbook for Parents - "Yes, You Can Help! Information and Inspiration for French Immersion Parents" was produced by Alberta Ministry of Learning.
- How do you encourage a child to read? Here are 20 suggestions.
- Le Petit Prince was first published in 1943 and is the most famous work of the French aristrocrat writer, poet and pioneering aviator Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (1900-1944).
- Want help with your French numbers? Use these links for help with phonetic pronunciation and a video with spoken pronunciation. Numbers 1 through 20; Numbers 1 to 100; Numbers 1 to 1000.
- French Programs Task Force Report, October 2009, Prepared for SD63 by Nancy Macdonald (Assistant Superintendent, Instructional Services) and Marilyn Pinder (Coordinator, French Programs), with assistance from Heather Gross (Executive Assistant).
- French Immersion Program Review, School District No. 68 (Nanaimo-Ladysmith), Prepared by Ladyman Consulting Inc., Alkins Project Services Inc., TRILLIUM Infrastructure Solutions Inc., November 2011.
- Ta Parole est en jeu - Les Franco-Colombiens par Will Cyr, an animated short from the National Film Board of Canada on the history of Francophones in British Columbia.
- Ta Parole est en jeu - Les Franco-Albertains par Wiil Cyr, an animated short from the National Film Board of Canada on the history of Francophones in Alberta.
- Ta Parole est en jeu - Les Fransaskois par Will Cyr, an animated short from the National Film Board of Canada on the history of Francophones in Saskatchewan.
- Ta parole est en jeu - Les Franco-Manitobains par Will Cyr, an animated short from the National Film Board of Canada on the history of Francophones in Manitoba.
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