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Canadian Parents for French was founded in 1977, by parents who wanted to ensure that their children could have the opportunity to become bilingual within the Canadian school system. Originally, a group of concerned parents from across Canada who met in Ottawa, Canadian Parents for French has evolved into a proactive national network with 10 Branch offices and some 150 Chapters in communities nationwide. Canadian Parents for French - Saanich Chapter is one of the chapters, comprised of parent volunteers dedicated to enriching the French language and cultural experience for the students of school district 63.

Our Vision Statement :

Canadian Parents for French - Saanich Chapter is a resource for parents and
students to continue French language learning in an engaged community.



Our 2019/20 Executive Volunteers are ready to serve!


President: Sandra Arthur

Vice-President: Christine Malmberg

Treasurer: Tara Keeping

Secretary: Vacant

Social Media:   Sandra Arthur, Cait Espinoza

Special Events: Lisa Glynn

Fundraising: Tara Keeping

Ecole Bayside Middle School : Amanda Bullen, Shu Franey

Ecole Keating (Bonjour, Bonne Nuit): Robin Howe

 Members at Large: Cedar Payne, Andrea Calder


Meet our new line up for 2018/19

President: Sandra Arthur

Vice-President: Christine Malmberg

Treasurer: Cedar Payne

Secretary: Vacant - this could be you - please get in touch!

Social Media:   Sandra Arthur, Cait Espinoza

Bayside Middle School Rep: Rachelle Hill

Keating Elementary Rep: Joel Dutil

Deep Cove Elementary Rep: Monique Hiltz

Stelly's Secondary Rep: Vacant currently volunteered by Sandra Arthur and Christine Malmberg

Member at large: Andrea Calder-Philips, Liza Glynn

Fundraising Coordinator 2018: Vacant.  Rachelle Hill (Maple Syrup)

French Immersion Grad recognition: Sandra Arthur, Christine Malmberg

Website Content Managers: Sandra Arthur, Cait Espinoza.


Please contact us if you are interested in being a part of this dynamic group of volunteers.


Meet our Chapter Executive 2017/18:

Co-Chair: Sandra Arthur/Christine Malmberg

Treasurer: Nicole Lee

Secretary: Cedar Payne

Social Media:   Sandra Arthur, Andrea Calder-Philips

Bayside Middle School Rep: Rachelle Hill

Keating Elementary Rep: Cedar Payne

Deep Cove Elementary Rep: Marc Leperriere

Stelly's Secondary Rep: Sandra Arthur, Christine Malmberg

Member at large:Isabella Ghiurea, Caryl Schrack

Fundraising Coordinator 2017:Sandra Arthur

Kindergarten/Grade 12 Gift Exchange Coordinator: Sandra Arthur, Christine Malmberg

Website Content Managers: Sandra Arthur, Andrea Calder-Philips. Seeking volunteer for Newsletter.

Past President: Andrea Calder-Philips


Please contact us if you are interested in being a part of this dynamic group of volunteers.




Membership has its benefits:

Join Canadian Parents for French at: www.cpf.ca

Contact us via email us or Find us on Facebook


